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Your goal is to have the most challenging Sight-Reading excerpt you ever see to be in the comfort of your own home, in your own practice session.




After you have worked your way through the All State Sight Reading Book, try some of the following to increase your skills:


These go from easy to difficult to insane.  You won’t need to do them all, but I promise you, the further down this list you work, the more amazing your Sight Reading will be!


  1. Ask your orchestra director for some random sheet music to play.  The harder the better!


   2. Ask your private teacher to loan you an etude book that is noticeably                 above your level.

       Try to avoid etudes that are repetitive. Good Sight Reading excerpts are           all about surprising the player so music that is predictable is less helpful           than something that changes up every line!


   3. If you play in treble or bass clef, see if you can borrow a hymnal from your         teacher.  There are several lines to choose from and reading off a stave             can be good practice.


    4. Borrow the music of another instrument that plays in your same clef-

        This is where it gets interesting!!  A cellist or bassist can borrow a                      trombone part and it will look and feel very different than what you                    normally see.  This is GREAT practice!


     5. If your instrument plays in more than one clef, Sight Read music that

         is in your secondary clef.  For instance, if you are a violist, borrow music             in treble clef.  If you are a cellist, work hard to find music in tenor or                   treble clef.


     6. Try to find music that is ‘impossible’ on your instrument. For instance,               find music that is written below or above your range.  This adds the                   extra challenge of having to transpose up and down octaves WHILE you           are Sight reading the music.


     7. Our personal favorite…… see if you can get your hands on some 20th              Century compositions.  Music that has non-traditional nomenclature,                strange markings, or unusual voicing.  Can you see where music like this            would constantly surprise your brain, and keep you on your toes? Can                you see that if you are used to practicing music like this, nothing you                  see in a regular audition will even phase you??


Pro Tip- Want to really challenge yourself?  Add manuscript to your practice list.  Especially musicals....they are wonderful because they are hard to read, and have all kinds of weird markings you normally wouldn't see in regular orchestral music. 
















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